My Lovely Wife
Hi guys...
it's had been a while since my last entry in this blog....For those who still didn't know, I had married last February. Before this, I had internet access from my rented house, with my friends. Unfortunately, my new rented house with my wife, currently doesn't have any internet access. Therefore I had to go to cyber cafe update this blog.
I'm very sorry didn't notify some of my friends & relatives out there, about my wedding. My wedding ceremony was a simple one. Just done what is 'compulsory' in Islam, that was the 'akad', a small party to proclaim my wedding with our neighbor & that's it! Simple right....I told you guys just now, didn't I??........
My thanks to all parties who was involved during the preparation.... Your deeds was something that I can't pay with any material. What can I give are just my gratitude & pray, may all of you safe in this life & after life, Insya Allah.....
As all of can see,here I attach some of the picture during my Wedding Day....the sacred date in my life: 15th Feb 2008,Friday,1100a.m,at Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor office.
Thank you all.....I do hope you guys out there will pray for our happiness, of course again in this life & after life...Insya Allah...amiin...